Naming a Graphic

Graphics can be named for resources, locations, and entities, or merely for easier identification. When a named graphic is chosen while building a model, instead of entering a default name, such as Loc1, ProModel will enter the graphic's name, such as Desk. If the name already exists for a location or resource graphic, a number will be appended (Desk1, Desk2, etc.). If the name already exists for an entity graphic, a letter will be appended (ChairA, ChairB, etc.). This will make the model easier to understand and use.


How to name a graphic:

1. Enter the desired name at the bottom left of the screen where it says "Name."

2. Click the Save button to save the named graphic.

Please note

Correct syntax for location, resource, and entity names should be used when entering a name in the Name field if the graphic is intended to represent locations, resources, or entities. Graphic names are allowed to have spaces which automatically convert to underscores "_" when used for locations, resources, or entities.